The sauna «VIS» in Kiev block Poznyaki
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Todate, Beaded Board of linden is the most common material used for domestic builders facing sauna and bath. This is facilitated by several factors:

First, despite its softness, linden wood is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes in the sweating-room. It almost does not crack, does not deform or shrink, making it much more durable than, for example, aspen.

Second, linden wood has a homogeneous structure and a pleasant light (almost white) color. Over time, the linden is almost not darken.

In addition, linden is so soft tree that the thin panels is not fake wood can be dried upholster curved surfaces or arch complex geometric objects (such as buckets). After the final drying linden hardens, preserving it correctly.

Third, in the sweating-room, decorated with linden, always feel a subtle and delicate flavor which creates a unique atmosphere for the bathers (remember what flavor comes from linden during flowering).

Finally, linden is widespread in temperate and sub-tropical zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Only in the Far East of Russia are more than half the world's supplies of linden, which eliminates the shortage of raw materials and generates a reasonable price for linden board for most consumers.

Beaded Board of linden is divided into four main classes: "Extra", "A", "B" and "C". Grade of "Extra" is batten without any defects - cracks, knots, splits, etc. Other varieties may have slight defects, which are to some extent reduce the price of the battens (a half to two times the grade of "Extra").

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